Reasons to Invest

Top Asset Class

Real estate is one of the top performing asset classes in the world and provides an excellent combination of return and security.

No Minimums

TREP makes real estate investing accessible for all international investors, with zero minimum investment requirements.

Income Generation

TREP distributes 100% of the net cash-flow in the form of annual dividends to all token holders!

Compounded Growth

Dividends are designed to grow each year the investment is held, providing excellent annual income for investors.

Real Estate Backed

TREP is backed by physical properties, not simply technology which can become obsolete tomorrow.


Real estate is typically considered a long-term investment, but with TREP, investors can buy or sell at any time.

Security Token

TREP is a security token, which means investors will have an actual ownership interest in the company unlike 90% of the cryptos in the world.

No Boundaries

Individuals from around the world can invest in TREP, removing geographic barriers.

Reasons to Invest

Top Asset Class

Real estate is one of the top performing asset classes in the world and provides an excellent combination of return and security.

No Minimums

TREP makes real estate investing accessible for all international investors, with zero minimum investment requirements.

Income Generation

TREP distributes 100% of the net cash-flow in the form of annual dividends to all token holders!

Compounded Growth

Dividends are designed to grow each year the investment is held, providing excellent annual income for investors.

Real Estate Backed

TREP is backed by physical properties, not simply technology which can become obsolete tomorrow.


Real estate is typically considered a long-term investment, but with TREP, investors can buy or sell at any time.

Security Token

TREP is a security token, which means investors will have an actual ownership interest in the company unlike 90% of the cryptos in the world.

No Boundaries

Individuals from around the world can invest in TREP breaking geographic barriers.

We’ve Built A Platform To Help You Buy And Sell Real Estate.

We will Help You Buy And Sell Real Estate Within Seconds And Without Any Hassles!

TREP’s Primary Objective as a Company:

Making real estate accessible for all!

Biggest obstacles faced by investors wishing to invest in real estate

Requires a large amount of capital

Requires a long-term commitment and it is illiquid.

Requires knowledge, time, and management expertise.

Requires a large amount of capital

Requires knowledge, time, and management expertise.

Requires a long-term commitment and it is illiquid.

TREP is designed to transform real estate into an investment that feels more like a stock purchase. You can buy or sell whenever you like and invest as much or as little as you wish. The best part is, it is a completely passive investment, so no headaches and no property management experience is required! TREP’s goal is simple – make the best performing asset class in the world much more accessible to all.

How do we do this?      Through Tokenization!

What is Tokenization?

Tokenization is the process of converting a real estate asset into a blockchain-based digital token and making it available for sale. The people who purchase these tokens have a direct ownership interest in the property in proportion to their investment.

What is Tokenization?

Tokenization is the process of converting a real estate asset into a blockchain-based digital token and making it available for sale. The people who purchase these tokens have a direct ownership interest in the property in proportion to their investment.

How is a Property Tokenized?

Each property offered through TREP is tokenized by first acquiring it through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) such as a Limited Liability Company (LLC). The membership interests of the LLC representing 100% of the equity in the property will be divided into $1 units and entered into blockchain using smart contracts on the Ethereum (ERC-3643) platform. These units are also called “Tokens” and ownership of a specific number of tokens provides individuals their corresponding prorated ownership interest in the property. In short, 100% of the tokens represent 100% equity ownership of the property held by the LLC.

Tokenization enables the transparent ownership and efficient exchange of a physical asset possible. This important step now turns real estate into a liquid asset, and one which does not require a large investment, lengthy hold periods, or expensive transaction costs. It also allows large top-performing commercial properties to become available to the common man, making all types of real estate truly accessible.

Benefits of Tokenizing Real Estate

Greater Liquidity

Buy and sell within seconds, not weeks,
months, or years.

No Investment Barrier

One can invest as much or as little
as they wish

Eliminate High Transaction Costs

Removes many middlemen and multiple taxes / fees from the transaction.

Clear Proof of Ownership

Peace-of-mind knowing buyer is
receiving clear title

Access to top performing properties

No longer reserved only for the
large institutions.

Benefits of Tokenizing Real Estate

Greater Liquidity

Buy and sell within seconds, not weeks,
months, or years.

No Investment Barrier

One can invest as much or as little
as they wish

Eliminate High Transaction Costs

Removes many middlemen and multiple taxes / fees from the transaction.

Clear Proof of Ownership

Peace-of-mind knowing buyer is
receiving clear title

Access to top performing properties

No longer reserved only for the
large institutions.

How Does TREP Make Money Through Tokenization?

TREP benefits in numerous ways from tokenizing real estate through syndications, also known as fractionalized sales.
TREP earns:

2% Acquisition Fee for sourcing, negotiating, and structuring the transaction, arranging financing, and other contributions towards the overall success of the purchase.

1.5% Asset Management Fee for managing all business affairs related to the property.

1.0% Capital Event Fee – one-time fee paid to TREP for working with a lender to structure a refinance of the property or working with brokers to successfully complete a sale of the asset.

25% Equity Interest in the property through an Equity Swap with the owners of the syndication.

TREP looks much like a cross between a REIT and a Real Estate Management Company, but unlike REITs, TREP’s earnings are not limited to the size of its property holdings portfolio. TREP also earns a significant share of its income by providing a service and earning service fees for structuring syndications and tokenizing the underlying properties.

How Does TREP Make Money Through Tokenization?

TREP benefits in numerous ways from tokenizing real estate through syndications, also known as fractionalized sales.
TREP earns:

2% Acquisition Fee for sourcing, negotiating, and structuring the transaction, arranging financing, and other contributions towards the overall success of the purchase.

1.5% Asset Management Fee for managing all business affairs related to the property.

1.0% Capital Event Fee – one-time fee paid to TREP for working with a lender to structure a refinance of the property or working with brokers to successfully complete a sale of the asset.

25% Equity Interest in the property through an Equity Swap with the owners of the syndication.

TREP looks much like a cross between a REIT and a Real Estate Management Company, but unlike REITs, TREP’s earnings are not limited to the size of its property holdings portfolio. TREP also earns a significant share of its income by providing a service and earning service fees for structuring syndications and tokenizing the underlying properties.

Syndications and Fractionalized Sales

The Future of Real Estate Investing.

Syndications are properties divided into smaller parcels so investors can buy as much or as little as their budget permits. Everyone is treated equally, so an individual investing as little as $1,000 receives the same percentage return as an investor investing $1,000,000!

Two primary parties in a syndicate: the sponsors and the investors. Sponsors, also known as syndicators or managers, are responsible for sourcing, structuring the deal, financing, managing, and ultimately selling the property. Investors are passive participants who earn cashflow based upon their ownership interest in the property and do not need to worry about any day-to-day management of the properties.

Investing in a syndication is much like buying shares in a public company, but even syndications can vary greatly depending upon who the sponsor is and how they structure their deals. TREP tokenizes its syndications, which means we put our properties into blockchain via smart contracts and issue tokens (just like shares) representing ownership in the property.

Why tokenize real estate?

No minimum investment required to participate – Individuals can invest as little or as much as they like.

Liquidity – investors receive tokens (just like shares) in the property which they can sell any time after one year, whereas traditional real estate investing generally requires a minimum 3-to-5 year hold.

Why do intelligent investors prefer syndications? Because…

Syndications provide competitive returns to stocks, but they can also provide passive income, tax breaks, and a hedge against inflation.

Syndications are collateralized by the real estate, unlike stocks.

The Investment can be made in any size that fits the investor’s budget.

The Investment can be made in any size that fits the investor’s budget.

No stress related to property management, tenant complaints, leasing, or maintenance.

Why tokenize real estate?

No minimum investment required to participate – Individuals can invest as little or as much as they like.

Liquidity – investors receive tokens (just like shares) in the property which they can sell any time after one year, whereas traditional real estate investing generally requires a minimum 3-to-5 year hold.

Why do intelligent investors prefer syndications? Because…

Syndications provide competitive returns to stocks, but they can also provide passive income, tax breaks, and a hedge against inflation.

Syndications are collateralized by the real estate, unlike stocks.

The Investment can be made in any size that fits the investor’s budget.

The Investment can be made in any size that fits the investor’s budget.

No stress related to property management, tenant complaints, leasing, or maintenance.

Structure of a TREP Syndication:

All properties are purchased through a special purpose vehicle (LLC or LLP).

Most TREP deals are structured on a 75/25 split with the investors. The capital required to complete an acquisition is provided by two sources: the Investors (25%) and the lender (75%). Presently, commercial properties in the US can qualify for financing with interest rates as low as 3.5 – 5.0%.

In traditional syndications, the sponsor receives a share of the net cashflow and net proceeds following a sale of the property. The profit share is generally between 20 – 25%, however that ratio can vary deal to deal. TREP syndications are very different, because they include an “Equity Swap” of a portion of equity in each property. This equity swap is a unique characteristic in TREP syndications and is one of the primary reasons why TREP deals can provide a much greater return than any other syndication structure in the market.

How is an “Equity Swap” implemented in a TREP syndication? TREP receives actual ownership interest equal to 25% of the total equity in the property. In exchange, TREP provides the syndicate investors with an equal value in TREP Tokens.

A win-win structure for Syndication
Investors and TREP

Syndicate investors gain significant upside when TREP’s token value appreciates, without any additional downside risk. Syndicate gives up 25% equity, but it also gains equal value in TREP with full downside protection as their investment is still 100% collateralized by the property.

TREP investors see the net asset value of TREP’s holdings increase with the addition of the 25% equity interest from every syndication. Plus, TREP’s income statement benefits with the added income from 25% of each property’s cashflow.

A win-win structure for Syndication
Investors and TREP

Syndicate investors gain significant upside when TREP’s token value appreciates, without any additional downside risk. Syndicate gives up 25% equity, but it also gains equal value in TREP with full downside protection as their investment is still 100% collateralized by the property.

TREP investors see the net asset value of TREP’s holdings increase with the addition of the 25% equity interest from every syndication. Plus, TREP’s income statement benefits with the added income from 25% of each property’s cashflow.

TREP vs Other Syndications

Key USPs of a TREP Deal Compared to other Syndications

TREP.Co Investors receive equity in TREP in the form of TREP Tokens, thus a dual benefit from (1) the appreciation in the value of the token and (2) an annual dividend distribution. This can provide a much greater return compared to any other syndication structure.

TREP takes advantage of low interest financing to fund 75% of the purchase, thus requires less cash from investors. The result is a greater cash-on-cash return for investors compared to other syndication structures.

TREP syndications are tokenized, therefore can provide liquidity unlike other syndications where investors must wait for the Sponsor to refinance or sell the property to recover their investment.

Capital liability is limited to the investment, unlike traditional syndications or fractionalized sales. In TREP deals, once an expense is approved by the partners, TREP funds the expense and is later reimbursed through operating revenue or following a liquidity event such as a sale.

TREP vs Other Syndications

Key USPs of a TREP Deal Compared to other Syndications

TREP.Co Investors receive equity in TREP in the form of TREP Tokens, thus a dual benefit from (1) the appreciation in the value of the token and (2) an annual dividend distribution. This can provide a much greater return compared to any other syndication structure.

TREP takes advantage of low interest financing to fund 75% of the purchase, thus requires less cash from investors. The result is a greater cash-on-cash return for investors compared to other syndication structures.

TREP syndications are tokenized, therefore can provide liquidity unlike other syndications where investors must wait for the Sponsor to refinance or sell the property to recover their investment.

Capital liability is limited to the investment, unlike traditional syndications or fractionalized sales. In TREP deals, once an expense is approved by the partners, TREP funds the expense and is later reimbursed through operating revenue or following a liquidity event such as a sale.

Is TREP like a REIT?

(Real Estate Investment Trust) - NO!

REITs do provide one solution to lower the barrier for investing in real-estate, allowing the average person to invest in this asset class. However, investors do not have any control over management of the REIT, nor do they actually own any share of the REIT held properties themselves, unlike TREP syndications where investors have a voting right and direct ownership in the property. REITs are an important tool for enabling access to real estate investments, but when it comes to owning the assets themselves, a REIT offers no solution.

How does TREP compare with REITs?

REITs are liquid. By comparison, TREP will also provide liquidity as a crypto token, freely tradable on a crypto exchange or on the TREP platform.

REITs and TREP have the benefit of no minimum investment required unlike traditional real estate transactions, even compared to non-tokenized fractionalized real estate deals.

TREP provides its token holders with the opportunity to purchase an interest in one specific asset which collateralizes their full investment, whereas REITs are more like a mutual fund of properties. The risk may not be greater with a REIT, but the risk of a lower cashflow is much greater with a REIT compared to TREP.

TREP only invests in rent-yielding properties, so no investments into land development or new construction projects which can result in a loss, or zero passive income.

REITs typically pay out only a percentage of the net cashflow earned to its investors, whereas TREP pays out 100% of the LLCs cashflow to its token holders.

One of the biggest differences between a REIT and TREP is a REIT’s valuation only comes from the assets it has purchased and the income derived from them. TREP’s valuation comes from the assets it holds and the income which is generated from it, plus its 25% equity / income earned from every syndication deal it structures and tokenizes. The more properties TREP tokenizes throughout the world, the more income will be shared with its token holders.

The value of a REIT is based solely upon its assets and related cashflow. A REIT does not provide its shareholders with the ability to experience 100s or 1000s of percentage growth in its share value.​

Retail participation in REITs is very low because many people don’t understand them, and it has traditionally been an institutional play. In comparison, TREP is a crypto, and as we have seen, cryptos are being purchased by thousands of retail and now even institutional buyers.​

Is TREP like a REIT?

(Real Estate Investment Trust) - NO!

REITs do provide one solution to lower the barrier for investing in real-estate, allowing the average person to invest in this asset class. However, investors do not have any control over management of the REIT, nor do they actually own any share of the REIT held properties themselves, unlike TREP syndications where investors have a voting right and direct ownership in the property. REITs are an important tool for enabling access to real estate investments, but when it comes to owning the assets themselves, a REIT offers no solution.

How does TREP compare with REITs?

REITs are liquid. By comparison, TREP will also provide liquidity as a crypto token, freely tradable on a crypto exchange or on the TREP platform.

REITs and TREP have the benefit of no minimum investment required unlike traditional real estate transactions, even compared to non-tokenized fractionalized real estate deals.

TREP provides its token holders with the opportunity to purchase an interest in one specific asset which collateralizes their full investment, whereas REITs are more like a mutual fund of properties. The risk may not be greater with a REIT, but the risk of a lower cashflow is much greater with a REIT compared to TREP.

TREP only invests in rent-yielding properties, so no investments into land development or new construction projects which can result in a loss, or zero passive income.

REITs typically pay out only a percentage of the net cashflow earned to its investors, whereas TREP pays out 100% of the LLCs cashflow to its token holders.

One of the biggest differences between a REIT and TREP is a REIT’s valuation only comes from the assets it has purchased and the income derived from them. TREP’s valuation comes from the assets it holds and the income which is generated from it, plus its 25% equity / income earned from every syndication deal it structures and tokenizes. The more properties TREP tokenizes throughout the world, the more income will be shared with its token holders.

The value of a REIT is based solely upon its assets and related cashflow. A REIT does not provide its shareholders with the ability to experience 100s or 1000s of percentage growth in its share value.​

Retail participation in REITs is very low because many people don’t understand them, and it has traditionally been an institutional play. In comparison, TREP is a crypto, and as we have seen, cryptos are being purchased by thousands of retail and now even institutional buyers.​

Token Sale

Distribution of Tokens:

Use of Proceeds:


October 2021

Research and Development.

December 2021

Main Tasks Completed (i.e. Tokenomics, Roadmap,

January 2022

TREP incorporation in Estonia

January 2022

Pre-launch – Token available for presale. Price = $0.75 / Token

March 2022

Launch – Tokens available for sale. Launch price $1.00 / Token

April 2022

First Syndication Completed

May 2022

Listing on multiple exchanges to create liquid market for Tokens

June 2022

Second Syndication Completed

July 2022

Third Syndication Completed



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Frequently asked questions FAQS

Below we’ve provided a bit of ICO, ICO Token, cryptocurrencies, and few others. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the contact form below.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.

The Offering Will Be Made Only By Means Of An Offering Circular. An Offering Statement Regarding This Offering Has Been Filed With The SEC. The SEC Has Qualified That Offering Statement Which Only Means That TREP LLC May Make Sales Of The Securities Described By That Offering Statement. It Does Not Mean That The SEC Has Approved, Passed Upon The Merits, Or Passed Upon The Accuracy Or Completeness Of The Information In The Offering Statement. The Securities Offered By TREP LLC. Are Highly Speculative.  Investing In Tokens Of TREP LLC Involves Significant Risks.

Investing In Securities Is Speculative And Carries A High Degree Of Risk. The Investment Is Suitable Only For Persons Who Can Afford To Lose Their Entire Investment. Furthermore, Investors Must Understand That Such Investment Could Be Illiquid For An Indefinite Period Of Time. No Public Market Currently Exists For The Securities, And If A Public Market Develops Following The Offering, It May Not Continue. Do Not Base Any Investment Decision Upon A Single Acquisition Prospect Discussed In Third Party Reports, Websites Or Other Media. The Information And Opinions Expressed By Third Parties Shall Not Be Construed As An Offer To Buy Securities And Is Not Intended To Be Investment Advice. Individuals Should Assume That All Information Provided By Third Parties Regarding Company Securities Are Not Accurate Unless Verified By Their Own Independent Research. To The Fullest Extent Of The Law, We Will Not Be Liable To Any Person Or Entity For The Quality, Accuracy, Completeness, Reliability, or Timeliness Of The Information Provided By Third Parties, Or For Any Direct, Indirect, Consequential, Incidental, Special Or Punitive Damages That May Arise Out Of The Use Of Information Provided By Third Parties. You May Obtain A Copy Of The Form D 506 Offering Circular That Is Part Of Said Offering Statement Here. You Should Read The Offering Circular And Consult With A Registered Investment Advisor or Licensed Stock Broker Before Making Any Investment.

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The Offering Materials And This Website May Contain Forward-Looking Statements And Information Relating To, Among Other Things, TREP LLC, Its Business Plan And Strategy, And Its Industry. These Forward-Looking Statements Are Based On The Beliefs Of, Assumptions Made By, And Information Currently Available To The Company’s Management. When Used In The Offering Materials, The Words “Estimate,” “Project,” “Believe,” “Anticipate,” “Intend,” “Expect” And Similar Expressions Are Intended To Identify Forward-Looking Statements, Which Constitute Forward-Looking Statements. These Statements Reflect Management’s Current Views With Respect To Future Events And Are Subject To Risks And Uncertainties That Could Cause TREP LLC’s Actual Results To Differ Materially From Those Contained In The Forward-Looking Statements. Investors Are Cautioned Not To Place Undue Reliance On These Forward-Looking Statements, Which Speak Only As Of The Date On Which They Are Made. TREP LLC Does Not Undertake Any Obligation To Revise Or Update These Forward-Looking Statements To Reflect Events Or Circumstances After Such Date Or To Reflect The Occurrence Of Unanticipated Events.